Harmful Gambling Course Run By BCT North West And NW TUC

Jamie McGovern and a number of CWU Reps attended recently a new course run by the TUC, aimed at educating those attending into the various harms that gambling can cause to individuals, their families and friends.

Ultimately, to their mental health and ability to sustain their employment.

image: Jamie & CWU Reps

The course, is presented by the Beacon Counselling Trust and the TUC North West who offer free gambling related harm support and education in the North West and free one to one and group therapy for those bereaved by suicide in the Merseyside area.

Gambling is a major problem in UK society that impacts negatively on our mental health and sadly can lead to suicidal thoughts; and sadly to the death of gamblers by their own hands.

The devastation caused by problem gambling impacts upon the mental health of not just the person gambling, but on their family and friends and even work-colleagues, as the lack of trust often associated with problem gambling; embeds itself into the fabric of their lives.

A Labour Government introduced sweeping changes to Gambling laws and its advertising on TV and in public media, including signage on roads and on buildings and other areas such as sports grounds. Hardly an advert break between coverage of sports events can be seen without at least one gambling advertisement, with the likes of Sky Sports badging their coverage with even their own gambling company advertising.

Speaking via his X - formerly Twitter account, Jamie said:

"I attended a really insightful and informative Harmful gambling "bet you can help" course today with CWU Grter Mersey Amal and CWU NW Region colleagues (pictured above). It was delivered excellently by Beacon Counselling Trust and the TUC North West discussing the gambling continuum, gambling behaviours, and the support options for all."

Source: Jamie McGovern

Designed & Content: Mark Holt Jamie McGovern

Hosted: Unionsafety